Guidance for Life                  

                                                                                 With Terez Madrid

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About Terez 

Terez Madrid is an Energy Worker who uses her own communicative
abilities to pass information to others from the Source--the essence of
our highest good--be it God, All-that-is, or any other name.


This communicative ability manifests as beings,

or Angels to Terez, although it may take the form of any Spiritual Guide

in regards to the client.


Information from our highest good is readily available when requested by those seeking to empower themselves, and people from all walks of life are
evidence to this trans-formative experience--clients have been motivated and
inspired by Terez's information, and they have been guided to their
desired changes and goals.



How the story began....

As a child I always felt a special connection to Spirit/God growing up. After a near death experience, my gifts unfolded one at a time so as not to scare me.


Unfortunately, initially it did scare me!!


I called and confided in my sister/ now manager, Dolores, and told her I was making connections with the Angelic Realm.

My sister embraced me and helped to eliminate all the fear. She then began to  to help me to discover all the gifts I was blessed with in this lifetime....

I then knew I had to tell my father of this Angelic connection.

Since I was a little girl I always adored and had a loving relationship with my father. We went to Whole Foods and over a smoothie I opened my heart to my father about my gift that had come to fruition

My father, a Marine, listened carefully. I asked him for his blessing. My father said he did not really understand how I was doing this work, yet, he gave me his blessing.

Throughout our conversation I was silently  asking  myself, "Why me?"

As we were leaving, my father, the forever gentleman, held the door open for me.

We locked eyes and he calmly said, "Why not you?"

My father has no recollection of that moment.

                                                                                                ~ Terez




"In Gratitude"